A/O/IP GP/英文/历史 (人文) 补习 - 90RP 莱佛士毕业生

高中(A Level)
91873582 91873582

"没有内容的思考是空洞的,没有理解的知识是盲目的.” ~ 康德

本人毕业于莱佛士书院的Humanities Programme(MOE的人文特选重点项目)在A水准考试取得了90RP (4门H2全A)的成绩;并已经获得了NUS Law的录取。因目前正在服兵役,希望在周末时候能够为有需要的学生提供些帮助。




For you who chanced upon this post, perhaps you're looking to sharpen your English abilities. While tuition is generally marketed as a means to an end - better grades and a coveted A in your final examination - when talking about language, such targets seem ever more elusive.

Here are some of my credentials below, which I believe equip me with the skills to help you out:

  • Ex-RI/RJC student of the Humanities Programme

  • Top 1 percent for General Paper

  • 7 distinctions for A Levels (90RP)

  • Published in school periodical

  • Award winner for History competitions

Hope to hear from you soon.
