

现在上海某大学担任英语副教授;多次全国翻译大赛最高奖获得者,为国际国内最高层级的机构及国家前任和现任领导做过笔头翻译,担任国际国内翻译机构高级成员;为人诚实善良正直,无抽烟喝酒赌博等不良嗜好;每天用中文,粤语,藏语,梵语,日语和英语念诵佛经和陀罗尼。希望对方有新加坡永久居民或者长驻身份,同样诚实善良,有无信仰均可。I am currently serving as an associate professor in English at a university in Shanghai; Winner of the highest prizes in multiple national translation competitions, who has done written translation for the highest level institutions both internationally and domestically, as well as for former and current heads of state, and has served as a senior member of international and domestic translation institutions; Honest, kind, and upright, without any bad habits such as smoking, drinking, gambling, etc; Reciting Buddhist scriptures and mantras in Chinese, Cantonese, Tibetan, Sanskrit, Japanese, and English every day. I hope the other half has a permanent residence in or is a cizizen of Singapore, and is equally honest and kind, with or without faith.
