
86949221 86949221

Undertake all kinds of repair business left behind by various companies due to lack of electricians; sell new air conditioners and second-hand air conditioners of various brands. And recycle old (broken) washing machines. (If the real estate agency does not accept repairs, please do not disturb)

Repair and rectify various household appliances and home circuit tripping;

Dual-purpose air conditioners for home and business, multi-split VRV, screw unit, air-cooled water-cooled unit (AHU), ice machine, cold storage; fixed/variable frequency refrigerator/washing machine, dryer (clothes) machine; dishwasher, oven ; Photovoltaic power generation systems, etc.; Remote control ceiling fans, ceiling fan lights, large and small appliances that do not have remote control or need to be modified if they are broken and need to be repaired and maintained.

I do the repairs myself and do not transfer my business to third parties. You are welcome to consult. There is nothing you can't think of but nothing you can't do. Recruiting local apprentices in Singapore, please call for details

