寻找保姆 Kembangan


Looking for experienced, patient & responsible Chinese babysitter, bring baby to your house ❤️

Location: Kembangan area

Time : Mon to Fri (except weekend n PH)

Baby age : 10 months old, baby girl

Others: Clean & tidy environment , no smoker in family, no pet

please PM me your rate & place if interested thanks ☺️


地点: 景万岸

时间: 周一至周五 (周末假期除外)

宝宝年龄: 10个月,女宝

其它: 居家环境干净卫生,家中无抽烟者,无宠物,喜欢小孩

有兴趣者请私信价钱 谢谢☺️
