
88768050 88768050

全岛上门中英文系统安装,WIN7 ,WIN8,WIN10,XP。软件安装:Adobe序列Photoshop(插件、动作)、Dreamweaver……;Office序列:2003-2016,Wps;其它:Xmind,CAD2004-2009(外挂),会声会影,电子相册,淘宝店铺首页装修……,免费检测问题,微信电话whatsapp:88768050(没人接就短信有时候忙来不及接电话)

The island home Chinese and English system installation, WIN7, WIN8, WIN10, XP. Software installation: Adobe sequence Photoshop, Dreamweaver... ; Office sequence: 2003-2016, Wps; Others: Xmind, cad2004-2009 (plug-in), conference sound and video, electronic photo album, home decoration of taobao store... , free test problem, WeChat phone whatsapp:88768050 (no one to answer the text message sometimes too busy to answer the phone)
