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? Swim Lessons for 1-1 or Group for Kids & Adults.
1对1游泳课程 :个人或小班儿童和成人游泳课程。
? Any Locations ( Private House, Condo & Clubhouse ).
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?♂️Hi l’m a Charles , a SSGA Certified Swim Coach, came from a swimming school.
?♂️ l Can Help You to Do Stroke Correct if you are an adults who want to fine tune your stroke.
?♀️ Especially you had learned from a Swimming ?♀️ group before or you may forgotten some of the details which l can help you to swim faster, more effective without much strength and less tired.
I guarantee l can help you in 2 lessons to make it possible.
? I also have a group of Experienced Coaches who we work together as below :
Focused Coaching for Individual & Small Group ☝️
? In Babies, Toddlers?, Children ? & Adults To Meet Your Swimming Expectation. ?♂️
? Even If You Are A Non Swimmer Or Phobia In Water. We Are Very Confident To Make Sure You can Swim Well.
即使您是零基础游泳者或对水中?️恐惧症。 我们非常自信地确保您可以学会游泳。
? Available Monday To Sunday ; Morning, Afternoon and Evening Sessions. ?
我们可以为您教学至周一至周日; 上午,下午和晚上
? 4 Major Swimming Strokes. ?♀️: freestyle/breaststroke/backstroke / Dolphin ? Butterfly ? Style.
四种主要游泳姿势。 ?:自由式/蛙式/仰式/海豚?蝴蝶?式。
? We Can Help You To Certified Your Swimming Progress As You Growth. ?????from International Recognised Swimming Organisation to Local Swim Safer Program Test.
我们可以帮助您在游泳?学习过程中认证您的游泳进度。 ?????此认证是国际认可的游泳组织或新加坡??政府的游泳安全计划认证都有。