
87326044 87326044

您有所需,我有所助!!!本人曾在中国北京受过专业培训,并拥有家政员证书;来新加坡后为许多家庭提供服务,拥有丰富的经验。本人吃苦耐劳,做事仔细认真,能承接各种高端家庭卫生清洁与打扫,(烫衣服,洗油烟机,擦玻璃,房间打扫,卫生间打扫,厨房打扫)。收费标准:18-20元 / 每小时,(3个小时起做)



Xinyuan household cleaning

You need to, I have to help!!!!!! I Haiyan, had been trained in Beijing of China and has certificate of housekeeping. I have served many families in Singapore so that I have a lot of experience. I am person who bears hardships and stands hard work, work carefully and seriously, can undertake all kinds of high-end family health clean and clean, (ironing, lampblack machine, wipe glass, cleaning the room, clean the toilet, kitchen cleaning) rate in 18 to 20 yuan per hour, (3 hours)

      • to do first-class service, you also more clean and tidy, sweet home * * * cooperation happy! Welcome to make an appointment! After appointments at 4:30pm every day. The contact number: 87326044 98486882
