Four Star Queen Size 床垫转让

91241697 91241697

由于即将回国,现低价转让知名品牌Four Star Queen Size (203X152(厘米))床垫一个,九成新,配备可换洗的保护套,原价700+ SGD,现175 SGD 转让(可商),硬度:软硬适中。地址在27 Prince George's Park。另额外赠送生活必需品数件。Mobile Phone: 91241697. Wechat: xu7949。

Because of leaving Singapore soon, I would like to resell a Four Star Queen Size mattress (203 cm by 152 cm) with low price. Initial cost is 700+ SGD and current price is 175 SGD (negotiable). Hardness: Moderate. Address: 27 Prince George's Park 118425. Additionally, some daily necessities could be transferred to you for free. Mobile phone/WhatsApp: 91241697.

