
84419818 84419818

地址 (address) :Elizabeth Heights Condominium, 57 Cairnhill Rd, Singapore 229668

主人房出租 (Master Rooms For Rent) :

  1. 安静舒适的氛围 (Quiet and comfortable atmosphere)

  2. 设计时尚的风格. (Stylish design style)

  3. 宽敞的烹饪空间, 并且烹饪是被允许的 (Spacious Cooking Space and Cooking is allowed)

  4. 不与屋主同住, 无线网络 (Not living with the owner, WiFi provided)

  5. 地点靠近萨默塞特地铁站. (5-6分钟步行)(Location near to Somerset MRT Station, around 5-6 minutes walk)

  6. 3 分钟走到百丽宫. (5-6分钟步行)(3 minutes walk to Paragon)

  7. 公寓设施包括有:超大健身房,游泳池,壁球场,乒乓球场,小孩游乐场,美甲店等 (condo facilities included spacious size of gym, swimming pool, Squash Court, Tennis Court, Wadpool , Play Ground and Etc.)

  8. 价格可再商量 (price negotiable)

  9. 24 小时保安(24 Hours Security)

公道价格 (Affordable price):

  1. 大主人房:只需 1700 sgd/month (每月1700 新币)

  2. 小主人房:只需 1500 sgd/month (每月1500 新币)还未照片提供

欢迎有意者随时参观,并无附带任何代理费用 (For those interested, please feel free to visit, no agent fees needed)

自2018年4月起可租 (Room available since april 2018)
