华文/Higher Chinese Tuition

中学(O Level)
86193037 86193037

小学和中学都可以!I come from China, currently studying at SIM . Uiversity of London foundation program. Any other queries can message me through this app and i will answer accordingly:)身为中国人,我对华文有浓厚兴趣及优异的成绩,很希望能把学习华语的乐趣带给我的学生,并让他们建立起对华语的自信心,从而提高学习效率。要知道华文不像数理化一样可以临时抱佛脚,而是要细心揣摩,感受并回味字里行间的优美。所以,言归正传,即便你对华文不感兴趣或是觉得自己没天赋,我都会让你爱上这个科目,相信我和你一起努力,皇天一定不会辜负有心人的!

  • familiar with all chinese school textbook

  • contacts me at 8619 3037

-various teching method tht suits student

-would prefer 2 hr lesson as it will be more effective

-give self summarise Notes and important worksheets related to the exam of the students
