地址 (address) :1 Park Road, 059108
普通房出租 (Common Room For Rent):
安静舒适的氛围 (Quiet and comfortable atmosphere)
设计时尚的风格. (Stylish design style)
宽敞的烹饪空间, 并且烹饪是被允许的 (Spacious Cooking Space and Cooking is allowed)
靠近牛车水地铁站, 步伐 1-2 分钟 (Close to Chinatown MRT - walking distance around 1-2 minutes)
无线网络 (Free Wi-Fi)
水电费平摊费用 (sharing of utility bills)
公道价格 (Affordable price):
- 只需 950 sgd/month (每月950 新币)
欢迎有意者随时参观,并无附带任何代理费用 (For those interested, please feel free to visit, no agent fees needed)
自2018年3月起可租 (Room available since March 2018 - available immediate)