本人小学数学科学家教 可上门进行一对一的教学 有经验有亲和力 我教过的学生 成绩都有不同程度的提升 我的学生们蛮多都得了奖 大多数都成为了班级里的第一第二名 没得奖的孩子也都有了明显的进步 进步最大的两个孩子 一个一学期内分数提升了几乎一倍 (从40多分提升到了80多分) 另一个小六的孩子更是拿到了MOE的进步奖奖金 今年小六Prelim的考试中 我的学生们也都有着不错的成绩 数学科学双A或者A+ 尤其是在最后冲刺阶段 有的更是直接将分数提升了一个等级 从80多至A* 而且我是女老师 如果家里是女学生的话也不会不方便 欢迎希望孩子成绩提升的家长与我联系 有意者请电;98510754 如未接通请MSG我 我看到后会第一时间与你联系 (如果有的图看不清 请双击图片 看大图)
I am Ms Lee. I teach Math and Science as they are my forte. I do have vast prior teaching experience under my belt and I am patient and dedicated. Most of my students have huge improvement in both subjects despite the addition of few more challenging topics for the end of year examinations and become the top in class or level and received prizes on prize giving day. For those who did not receive the award also manage to improved significantly. The two most progressive children, one of them manage to improved from 44.5 in Sa1 to 81.5 in Sa2, and another P6student got the Edusave good progress award and her certificate is displayed on her school noticeboard. In this year's p6 Prelim, my primary 6 students did very well and most of them got A and A for both subjects. Especially at the final stage of p6, some of them improved a grade and shoot up from A to A . I love teaching and hope that this sufficiently demonstrates my proficiency. Thank you.