1) 工作时无法用适合的英语表达自己和同事沟通
2) 语言交流时很懊恼因为你跟不上
3) 看电影时没标题会不了解导致无法欣赏好的影片
4) 无法准确的发音
本人是个全职补习老师 并且有十年的工程工作经验。1对1 或 小组班可行。裕廊地区。
Have you ever experienced the following situations?
1.Unable to express yourself correctly to your colleagues in English.
2.Unable to understand what others are talking when they speak too fast.
3.In the absence of subtitles in a movie, you are not able to understand or enjoy yourself.
4.Pronunciation problems resulting in awkward moments.
Don't worry! We have professional English language tutor with workplace experience to assist and cater to your requirement at very reasonable rate. Choose to have 1to1 lesson or arrange a group with your friends for more affordable rate. Preferably in West Area.