100%纯正文冬姜/姜茶/ 姜粉/ 姜片 - 祛风除湿 舒缓手脚麻痹 促进血液循

84270875 84270875

wild range of ginger products, such as ginger tea, ginger vinegar, ginger slice, ginger powder

contact/whatsapp/ wechat +65 84270875 or Pm me if interest our product.

Bentong ginger arriving in your box is Fresh.

Place in ventilation place can be stored for 1-2months.

self-collect at Redhill Market, meet up-Toa Payoh Mrt, Bishan Mrt.

姜粉用法: 将1/3茶匙姜粉放入200ml热水中,搅拌均匀,浸泡3-5分钟,味道最佳,必须趁热饮用。也可以加入适量蜂蜜或黑糖以便增添口味。还可以用于烹饪,调味,腌制,煲汤,蒸鱼。使用方法非常简单,快捷方便。

Bentong ginger gives out a faint irresistible aroma. It is hotter, spicier and tastes better than ordinary ginger. It has high nutritional value

Bentong Ginger Powder DIRECTION OF USE:

Place around 1/3 teaspoon ginger powder into 200ml hot water. Stir and allow to infuse for about 3-5minutes to gain the maximum goodness of the taste. Best served hot or warm. You may add honey or molasses sugar to enhance the flavour.lt also can use for soup,hotsweet potato dessert, hot soya milk, cooking, seasoning, picking and etc

功效 Effect:

  1. 提神,促进血液循环。

Improved mental alertness and circulation.

  1. 祛胃风,祛寒暖胃。

Carminative, dispels cold and warm stomach.

  1. 抗氧化, 延缓衰老。

Anti – oxygenation defer decrepitude.

  1. 杀菌,抑制肿瘤。

Antiseptic qualities and inhibit tumor.

  1. 改善睡眠,增进食欲,提升免疫力。

Impove sleeping, appetite and immine abilitry

  1. 舒缓经痛

Alleviate the pain of period.

  1. 预防感冒及流感。

Prevent cold and flu.

Health tips保健小贴士:


»Every morning fasting with 1 teaspoon ginger powder plus 2 teaspoons of honey warm water

to drink health and beauty.

»烹饪用途: 干姜粉用于香料和麝香,用于肉,咖喱,腌泡汁,炖菜等。

»Culinary Uses: Dried ginger powder is used in spices and masalas for gravies, curries, marinades, stews etc.

