
90128798 90128798

psle,o水准基础难点考点,听说读写:听力难点解析。会话精准回答。语文应用基础夯实。阅读理解答题公式,让你考试不丢分 。作文形象生动,画面感强。想要提高华文 成绩就找李老师。电话:90128798_whatsapp微信号:mangqingli。英文的发信息老师回你英文信息。

psle, O-level basic difficult test points, listening, speaking, reading and writing: analysis of difficult listening points. Conversationally accurate answers. The foundation of Chinese language application is solid. Read and understand the answer formula so that you don’t lose points in the exam. The composition is vivid and has a strong sense of picture. If you want to improve your Chinese scores, come to Teacher Li. Phone: 90128798_whatsapp WeChat ID: mangqingli. Send a message in English and the teacher will reply to your message in English.
